Protecting your network one Pen Test at a time

About Us

We help secure your network through penetration testing

Penetration Testing makes detecting adversarial attack vectors within your network, proactively, possible.

Our services

Services We Offer

Explore our services to see what suits your organization best. Whether it be a one-time engagement or ongoing, Percipience offers a variety of offensive security services to better help you secure your network from adversaries.

Network Penetration Testing

Network Penetration testing involves simulating adversary-like attacks against your infrastructure to help identify any areas of weakness that could be taken advantage of or exploited by an attacker.

Physical Assessments

Physical Assessments involve assessing all physical security controls. This includes locks, fences, security guards, cameras, and other security measures that may be in place. During a physical penetration test, attempts to bypass these controls to gain physical access to restricted areas, identify sensitive data, and gain an entry to a network are tested.

Web Application Penetration Testing

Web Application Penetration Testing involves simulating adversary-like attacks against your web applications (both authenticated and unauthenticated) to help identify any areas of weakness that could be taken advantage of or exploited.

Social Engineering Engagements

Social Engineering Engagements involve probing, manipulating, influencing and/or deceiving employees in order to gain access to a network and/or systems to retrieve sensitive company information.

Phishing Campaigns/Training

At Percipience Security we realize that the end user is the first line of defense for your systems and networks. We provide simulated phishing campaigns that vary from traditional solutions.

SAST Testing

SAST Testing involves taking in-house developed static source code and reviewing it for any code flaws that may lead to exploitation by an adversary.

Wireless Penetration Testing

Wireless Penetration Testing involves testing wireless protocols in use, wireless passwords, and other potential wireless network weaknesses that can lead to exploitation by an adversary.